Terms and Conditions
The Atlas of the Patagonian Sea. Species and Spaces, co-edited by the Wildlife Conservation Society and BirdLife International, is a document that identifies areas of important marine habitat for certain species of seabirds and marine mammals which forage in the Patagonian Sea. It represents the result of a collaborative procedure involving non-governmental organizations and more than 25 scientists from different countries and institutions. The main objective of the Atlas, for all who collaborated in its production, was to act as a tool in identifying those marine areas that need to be the focus for immediate and very specific efforts in oceanic conservation.
Therefore, if you are interested in the use of the material provided in this site, please read the following terms and conditions:
All the information and maps of the “Atlas of the Patagonian Sea. Species and Spaces” are subject to copyright and database right restrictions.
The use of the maps for education purposes or other non-commercial purposes is authorized without prior permission, providing the source material is properly credited (see Credits below).
Reproduction of the data for use in any commercial application is prohibited without prior permission in writing from the editors and data-owners.
The use of the maps and any information provided in this site, for the purpose of scientific publication or any other publication, must have express permission from the editors and data-owners. Please contact info@atlas-marpatagonico.org and include a clear description of the maps or data that you are interested in using, and a clear statement of the purpose for which the material will be used and the manner in which it will published. While initial enquiries may be made by electronic mail, users and providers will formalize their agreement using standardized electronic “terms of use” archived by the database managers. This form will document the type of data, the duration, and the anticipated products involved in the collaboration.
Every effort has been made to ensure the integrity and quality of the information and maps published in the “Atlas of the Patagonian Sea” and in this site. However, Wildlife Conservation Society and BirdLife International (or whoever maintains the database and edits this site) cannot guarantee the accuracy of the datasets contained herein.
Credits and Citation
All the maps downloaded for use from the Atlas must be accompanied by the appropriate citation of the source of the material. The credits must include: (a) the names of the data holders/data owners exactly as cited in the legend of the figure, (b) reference to the published source, as follows:
Falabella, V., Campagna, C., and Croxall, J. (Eds). 2009. Atlas of the Patagonian Sea. Species and Spaces. Buenos Aires, Wildlife Conservation Society and BirdLife International. http://www.atlas-marpatagonico.org