Atlas of the Patagonian Sea

The Gis Database
of the WCS Sea & Sky Project

A Geographical Information System (GIS) is a set of tools that allows geographically referenced information to be stored, edited, analysed, integrated, shared and displayed.

The GIS database administered by the WCS-Sea & Sky Project geographically referenced scientific information to support conservation strategies regarding the biodiversity of the Patagonian Sea.

Remote tracking constitute a relevant part of the GIS database information, and density maps allowed identifying critical areas used by target species.

WCS and BirdLife International achieved to integrate expert knowledge from more than 25 scientists on oceanographic and biological aspects of the Patagonian Sea. The GIS database contains 285,000 localisations, describing thousands of migratory and foraging trips of seabirds, marine mammals and sea turtles. Most of these data were obtained by satellite transmitters (PTT), although geolocators (GLS) and recorders for global positioning systems (GPS) were also deployed.

At sea, when elephant seals surface to breathe, only the head emerges above water. Thus, the instruments must be placed on it to allow a transmission to the satellites. In other species (such as birds), the back is the most suitable location to deploy transmitters.

Species included in this Atlas. Breeding sites and colonies studied (Spanish denomination). Dataholders and collaborators providing tracking data.


Wandering Albatross (Diomedea exulans)

Islas Georgias del Sur:
Croxall, J. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Phillips, R. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Trathan, P. – British Antarctic Survey, UK

Northern Royal Albatross (Diomedea sanfordi)

Islas Chatham y Punta Taiaroa:
Nicholls, D. – Chisholm Institute, Australia
Robertson, C.J.R. – Department of Conservation, New Zealand

Grey-headed Albatross (Thalassarche chrysostoma)

Islas Diego Ramírez e Ildefonso:
Arata, J. – Instituto Antártico Chileno, Chile
Moreno, C. – Universidad Austral de Chile
Robertson, G. – Australian Antarctic Division, Australia

Black-browed Albatross (Thalassarche melanophrys)

Islas Malvinas:
Croxall, J. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Huin, N. – BirdLife International, UK

Islas Georgias del Sur:
Croxall, J. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Phillips, R. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Trathan, P. – British Antarctic Survey, UK

Islas Diego Ramírez, Diego de Almagro e Ildefonso:
Arata, J. – Instituto Antártico Chileno, Chile
Moreno, C. – Universidad Austral de Chile
Robertson, G. – Australian Antarctic Division, Australia

Light-mantled Albatross (Phoebetria palpebrata)

Islas Georgias del Sur:
Trathan, P. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Phillips, R. – British Antarctic Survey, UK


Northern Giant Petrel (Macronectes halli)

Islas Georgias del Sur:
Croxall, J. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
González-Solís, J. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Phillips, R. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Trathan, P. – British Antarctic Survey, UK

Southern Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus)

Islas Arce, Gran Robredo y Observatorio:
Quintana, F. – CONICET-Argentina y WCS

Islas Georgias del Sur:
Croxall, J. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
González-Solís, J. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Phillips, R. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Trathan, P. – British Antarctic Survey, UK

White-chinned Petrel (Procellaria aequinoctialis)

Islas Georgias del Sur:
Croxall, J. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Phillips, R. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Trathan, P. – British Antarctic Survey, UK


Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus)

Cabo dos Bahías, Punta Tombo, San Julián, La Ernestina, Monte León y Puerto Deseado:
Boersma, D. – University of Washington & WCS
Frere, E. – Univ. Nac. de la Patagonia Austral, CONICET-Argentina, WCS y BirdLife International

Isla Martillo:
Pütz, K. – Antarctic Research Trust, Alemania
Raya Rey, A. – CONICET-Argentina
Schiavini, A. – CONICET-Argentina y WCS

Cabo Vírgenes, Punta San Julián, San Lorenzo e Islas Malvinas – datos GLS:
Wilson, R. – Biological Sciences, Institute of Environmental Sustainability, Swansea University, UK

Bahía Bustamante – datos GPS:
Quintana, F. – CONICET-Argentina y WCS
Yorio, P. – CONICET-Argentina y WCS

Islas Malvinas:
Pütz, K. – Antarctic Research Trust, Alemania

Gentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua)

Islas Malvinas:
Pütz, K. – Antarctic Research Trust, Alemania

Southern Rockhopper Penguin (Eudyptes chrysocome)

Islas Malvinas:
Pütz, K. – Antarctic Research Trust, Alemania

Isla de los Estados:
Pütz, K. – Antarctic Research Trust, Alemania
Schiavini, A. – CONICET-Argentina y WCS
Raya Rey, A. – CONICET-Argentina

Isla Pingüino:
Pütz, K. – Antarctic Research Trust, Alemania
Frere, E. – Univ. Nac. de la Patagonia Austral, CONICET-Argentina, WCS y BirdLife International
Gandini, P. – Admin. de Parques Nacionales y Univ. Nac. de la Patagonia Austral, CONICET-Argentina

King penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus)

Islas Malvinas:
Pütz, K. – Antarctic Research Trust, Alemania


Southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina)

Península Valdés:
Campagna, C. – CONICET-Argentina y WCS
Lewis, M. – CONICET-Argentina
Marín, M. R. – CONICET-Argentina

Islas Georgias del Sur:
Fedak, M. – Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St. Andrews, Escocia, UK

South American Sea Lion (Otaria flavescens)

Península Valdés:
Campagna, C. – CONICET-Argentina y WCS
Wilson, R. – Biological Sciences, Institute of Environmental Sustainability, Swansea University, UK

Islas Malvinas:
Thompson, D. – Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St. Andrews, Escocia, UK

Antarctic Fur Seal (Arctocephalus gazelle)

Islas Georgias del Sur:
Trathan, P. – British Antarctic Survey, UK
Staniland, I. – British Antarctic Survey, UK

South American Fur Seal (Arctocephalus australis)

Islas Malvinas:
Thompson, D. – Sea Mammal Research Unit, University of St. Andrews, Escocia, UK

Marine Turtles

Green Turtle (Chelonias mydas)

Estuary of Bahia Blanca (Argentina):
Albareda, D.A. – Jardín Zoológico de Buenos Aires y Aquamarina-PRICTMA
González Carman, V. – INIDEP, CONICET-Argentina y Aquamarina-PRICTMA