Regional Nesting Sites: It breeds on the Malvinas, South Georgia (40% of the world population), Prince Edward, Crozet, Kerguelen, Auckland, Campbell and Antipodes islands.
Diet: White-chinned Petrel feeds mostly on krill, squid and to a lesser extent, fish. It can dive up to 13 m in depth in search of prey or to feed on bait attached to hooks being fished by longliners.
World breeding population: Although the global population of this species is not known, rough estimates suggest a total of 7,000,000 adults.
Conservation Status: Vulnerable (IUCN, 2008).
Main threats: Incidental mortality in longline fisheries is the principal threats, but it also suffers from predation (by introduced rats at breeding islands) and the loss of breeding habitat.
Based on the publication “Atlas of Patagonian Sea. Species and Space” (Falabella at al., 2009). For use or reproduction, see Terms and Conditions of Use