Regional Nesting Sites: The species breeds throughout the southern oceans. On mainland Argentina there are colonies in northern Patagonia and on Staten Island. The species also nests on the Malvinas Islands, south of Chile, the Antarctic Peninsula and most of sub-Antarctic islands.
Diet: Adults feed principally on carrion (penguins and remains of marine mammals). However, squid, fish and crustaceans are common features in the diet. Rubbish and discards from fishing vessels are another important element.
World breeding population: Estimated at 46,000 pairs.
Conservation Status: Near threatened (IUCN, 2008).
Main threats: Incidental mortality in long-line and trawl fishing.
Based on the publication “Atlas of Patagonian Sea. Species and Space” (Falabella at al., 2009). For use or reproduction, see Terms and Conditions of Use