Regional Nesting Sites: Endemic to New Zealand, this species breeds only in Chatham Islands, with tiny populations at Taiaroa Head and Enderby Island.
Diet: Cephalopods (squid may represent 85% of the diet) and fish, also salps, crustacea and carrion (fishing discards).
World breeding population: Estimated at 7,000 pairs.
Conservation Status: Endangered (IUCN, 2008), since the species has a very restricted breeding area (which has been decreasing over the last 20 years) and due to low reproductive rates.
Main threats: Reduction of nesting sites by habitat destruction and eggs and chicks predation by introduced species. Mortality due to longline and trawling fishing activities has been also recorded.
Based on the publication “Atlas of Patagonian Sea. Species and Space” (Falabella at al., 2009). For use or reproduction, see Terms and Conditions of Use