Atlas of the Patagonian Sea


Northern Royal Albatross

Northern Royal Albatross

Diomedea sanfordi

Regional Nesting Sites: Endemic to New Zealand, this species breeds only in Chatham Islands, with tiny populations at Taiaroa Head and Enderby Island.

Diet: Cephalopods (squid may represent 85% of the diet) and fish, also salps, crustacea and carrion (fishing discards).

World breeding population: Estimated at 7,000 pairs.

Conservation Status: Endangered (IUCN, 2008), since the species has a very restricted breeding area (which has been decreasing over the last 20 years) and due to low reproductive rates.

Main threats: Reduction of nesting sites by habitat destruction and eggs and chicks predation by introduced species. Mortality due to longline and trawling fishing activities has been also recorded.